Heartland Northeast, LLC.
Preserving Legacies, Building Wealth

Our Mission

Estate Planning, Tax Mitigation, and Retirement Income Distribution for District Teachers, University and College Educators, Municipal and Federal Employees

If you currently contribute to State, Municipal, or Federal pension plans, your employer guarantees your pension money will be there when you retire. This is called a defined benefit plan or DBP and is managed by your employer, and your employer assumes all of the risks. When you retire and do a Pension Calculation, you will notice the amount of your annual pension income will be lower than your annual salary while working. This is called the PENSION INCOME GAP.

Also made available by your employer is your voluntary retirement plan. This is not guaranteed by your employer, and you, the employee, assume the risk by choosing where to put your money. This is not a DBP but a DCP or defined contribution plan. Some common DCP plans are 401k, 403b, 457(b), TDA, TSP, and other ERISA Plans, etc. Although the DCP is voluntary, it is important because it will eliminate the PENSION INCOME GAP, so you have enough money in retirement.

Heartland Northeast LLC utilizes a consultative team-based approach that weighs, measures, and tests financial strategies. These strategies focus on reducing risk, income taxes, fees, and debt. We also avoid probate. This, in turn, increases cash flow and maximizes results. As we like to say, “We are only as good as someone will let us be.”

Retirement Planning

We’ve been working with contributing employees like you, with our 35+ years of combined experience, to help create strong financial foundations using 401k, 403b, TSP, and other retirement savings accounts provided through your State Teacher's Retirement System, Municipalities, and the Federal Government.

We all want to be confident that we have enough to retire. But the truth is, your pension and Social Security may not be enough.

Any 401k, 403b, 457(b), TDA, TSP, and other ERISA Plans, etc., are an important aspect of a person’s retirement savings approach because it is needed to deal with the Pension Income Gap that is created when you retire and leave the payroll system.

District Teachers, University and College Educators, and Municipal and Federal employees trust us because we have a proud history of supporting these communities.

Learn how working with a financial professional at Heartland Northeast, LLC can yield more retirement income and lower taxes on your retirement savings account. Working with us will ensure your money will not run out, and you will protect your assets for your beneficiaries.

Woman in banker's office signing financial loan for project

Avoid probate risk, and minimize income taxes, fees and debt

Heartland Northeast, LLC provides educational services to pre- and post-retirees. Meetings are done in person, face to face, or via a virtual session using Zoom from the privacy of your home if that is our preference. We do not charge an initial consultation fee, so it gives you time to see if what we do can help you and your family.

Heartland Northeast, LLC, a nationally licensed firm, is a team of experienced financial specialists with 35 years of combined experience. Whether you are just starting out or have a retirement nest egg, we can help you make sure it works as hard and as smart as you did in earning and saving it.

We are recognized for designing solutions for employees of school districts, Municipalities, Colleges, Universities, and the Federal government with methods to increase annual retirement income amounts, lower taxes, and ensure your money lasts throughout your retirement years. This makes sure you will never outlive your retirement savings.